
Monday, December 27, 2010

Heat up Dot 8 x 10

Series # 12152010
Things heat up even when all around us is cool.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Yellow Bird

One day I look up and saw a proud yellow bird celebrating her beauty
on sale at ebay

The Heart Echo


The heart holds memories of past love the echo throughout time

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ant the point is? 16 X 20 SOLD

Serial # 06022010

Sometimes you just need to get down the bottomline and the ants march their way to it. "Ant the point is?" fires up energy and charm. It's unique style calls for nothing less than your attention. Need I say more?

Find more of my art work on eBay!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mini Dot face - On Sale NOW!

On sale at

Serial# 0742010
Mini Dot Series Limited Edition 2010

Face life and have fun. Mini dot face is about how we perceive things. From close up it's just dots but from far away it's making funny faces at you. This painting is cute and playful.

Find more of my art of eBay.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Patrick Point 16 X 20 *SOLD* - 5/26/2010

SOLD on eBay

Serial #2432010

This painting captures the spirit of St. Patrick's Day. The four leaf clover to me speaks to the heart of the Irish and celebration of their culture. Patrick Point is the essence of true Irish Magic.

Find more of my art on eBay.